Saturday 7 April 2012

a few chicken facts

to help you on your path to keeping chickens here are some facts i have learned ..........

1... chickens hardly ever grow over 6ft tall so taking the time and materials to build a Chicken Coop that is tall man height is abit of a waste of time & resources :P

2.... chickens also do not roost on each others heads creating a 'Chicken Tower' therefore once again building a Tall mans height coop is really just being all showy :P

3.... When building a new SMALLER coop because you have found neither a 6ft chook has hatched NOR are they displaying circus like 'chicken tower' ideas then please make sure that you give them a DOOR into the little house you have just smugly built or else you will confuse the chickens and your hubby may near burst his pancreas laughing at your new chookhouse that has no way of the chickens to get into unless they suddenly grow HANDS!!

4... Making a new SMALL chookhouse, with chook door, does not need to be all fancy dancy or even have a teaching centre like mine [this morning we went thru the alphabet, which went quite well, & maybe by next week we will be onto simple maths equations] BUT make it a little home for them to cosy into so that they will be most happy in the service and decide to lay you a constant supply of free range eggs.

So my chicken tale is ......

1)  if you find a 6ft chicken then please send it my way as i have a 6ft home waiting here EMPTY

2)  if you find your chickens are stacking themselves vertically then either call a Circus and make some money off those gals OR double check that you dont indeed have some BOY chickens amongst your Hens and then look away and give them some PRIVATE time!!

3)  &  4)   make sure you DO include a chicken door in your new henhouse but offering them a University Degree really isnt 100% necessary

Now that i have given you the basics of Chicken 101 go get yourself some CHICKENS!!!!

happy farming trace xo


  1. do u have any chicken tales??

  2. Love it your are so funny and if you do find any 6ft chickens can you send some my way too, any my BOY chickens (lol) don't need Private time they don't care where they do that job of theres. HAPPY FARMING TRACE enjoy your little chickens xx
